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Why is this not front paged somewhere?

This is a fantastic metroidvania, so far, as I sit at 48%. What a lot of fun :)

There are a few times were I have almost thought about quitting only to realize that I could back track and maybe grab a jet pack or something,  because either a door is now open, or I have an ability that means I could make a jump/climb  I couldn't previously make.   That and the wonderfully generous checkpoints. It is very well thought out.

Finally got the radar working, which works fine in a desktop browser.

Can't wait to get allllllll the chickens :)

This is fantastic stuff!  Thank you so much!  


Wonderful you enjoyed it! I definitely had pro genre fans in mind, the game isn't really beginner friendly. I like the old DOS games which did not have   much story or tutorials or hints, and this definitely reflects that. I think for my next game I'll add more tutorials and hand-holding. And a better job at pointing out how to dash or use abilities.

I acknowledge that a lot of backtracking needs to be hinted out more. Generous checkpoints and going for jetpacks to access some  different areas was also intentional :) 

This is a bunch of fun! 

I cannot figure out how to dash?  Also, the menu (?) icon locks up the game in a browser. I was trying to hide the on-screen mobile controls.

(1 edit)

Thanks! :) 

It's better if you play the mobile version. You can't hide mobile controls on the web version yet.

When you get the Dash pickup, you can jump and while you're in air press the Control key to break the breakable tiles. Watch this video at 3:50s

Thanks for that! I figured it out eventually by button mashing :)  This is great stuff and really well designed!